Coaching for companies, executives, teams & self-employed persons
Whether you want to find new ways and solutions in a team - whether as a team leader, employee or self-employed person - I am happy to accompany and support you on your way.
After a free meeting to get to know each other, a first session is arranged in which the concern and the goal are defined. In the course of a process, these can change and are adjusted accordingly.
Possible topics:
(Self-) organisation and health
- Improve self-management
- cope better with stress
- Prevent burnout
- Counselling in case of crises or psychosocial problems
- Prevention for burnout
- Increase in performance and personal motivation
- better balance between professional and private life
- accompany the professional return after a burn-out
- learn how to better differentiate yourself and stay in your professional role
- Time management and priority setting
- Work-Life Balance
- Clarifying and overcoming motivation lows
Lead and communicate
- recognize, optimally develop and use your (leadership) potential
- Gain clarity and effectiveness by clarifying role expectations and tasks in your (leadership) position and aligning them with your person
- Communicate and convince more effectively and bindingly than before
- Managing conflicts more constructively and taking a clear position
- assert oneself better
- conduct feedback talks
- Leading teams more effectively
- correctly assess and use the potential of the employees
- Make decisions better and faster
- Successfully take on and complete new roles and tasks
- Successfully shaping change processes as a manager
- Define and successfully implement goals
Coach the Coach
This is coaching or supervision for people who coach, which enables professional reflection on the coaching activity.
Particularly in the case of challenging topics or dynamics that can arise in the coaching process with clients (e.g. resistance), external process support is increasingly needed so that entanglements and transferences do not adversely affect the coaching process.
Especially for coaches who work "remotely" or abroad and are increasingly left to their own devices (or face cultural challenges abroad), a professional exchange makes sense and promotes the quality of the work and serves their own "mental hygiene", so that balanced work becomes and remains possible again.
Possible topics:
- Looking at the emergence of own issues in relation to professional activity and role
- Review of the proximity-distance relationship
- Develop new ideas for the coaching process
- Appropriately address emerging conflicts
- Dealing with challenging situations with clients
Coaching for self-employed
Possible topics:
- Structuring of the work
- Time management and priority setting
- Communication with customers
- Stress management
- Overcoming uncertainties in building your own business
Systemic supervision
Supervision serves to reflect on professional actions with the help of an external view. Supervision illuminates a problem from different perspectives. It aims at discovering resources and expanding one's own scope of action in order to master difficult professional situations on this basis.
Possible topics:
- your own professional role
- teamwork
- professional action in the context of clients, colleagues and organization
- Processing of stress situations
- Planning and management of professional and organisational changes